Monday, February 21, 2011

I just discovered that in addition to being President's Day, it is also National Sticky Bun Day and International Mother Language Day.  It's also International Friendship Week, Texas Cowboy Poetry Week, National Future Farmers of America Week, National Pancake Week, and Food Checkout Week.  Then there are the month-long celebrations, but I'll spare you.  Every single day of the year is like this.  It's fascinating - each one of them had a group of people who were so enthusiastic about  a cause or product that they lobbied the government (whether state, national, or international!)  to create a holiday - and they won!  Since they put so much effort in, it seems only fair that someone should celebrate on their behalf. 

1 comment:

  1. If you "friend" Janet Rudolph on FB, she'll keep you informed about chocolate days. She also has a blog Dying for Chocolate. I will enjoy reading your blog and maybe it will inspire me to get busy on my three blogs!!!
